Psychological Counseling, Systemic Therapy, Coaching
- On the Way to your Personal Changes -
When wind of changes blow, so some build walls, others windmills
(Chinese proverb)
Have you been looking for a personal or professional change for some time?
Are you currently in a challenging or critical situation? Or suffering already for a long time with mental health problems?
As a Clinical Psychologist and Systemic Therapeut I offer you effective support with my Systemic Therapy and Psychological Counseling services for these kinds of problems, mental health problems and conflicts, crises in your private and professional life.
As a Jobcoach I support you in the first place to get your psychological stability for going on then with the process of Job research and/or building up your job career.
In today’s fast-moving global world, everyone faces a variety of challenges and pressures in their daily lives; at home, at work, at school and in their social environment. Various reactions of discomfort and stress can easily occur. If not dealt appropriately, serious psychological and psychosomatic impairments, even long-lastig mental health problems can arise. With my counseling and therapy approach I counteract these problems at an early stage and give you the necessary support which as required.
My counseling and therapeutic approach that I’m applying is resource and solution oriented. In this process your aims will be specified, whereby the promotion of your individual resources and potential for action to achieve these goals are priority.
Overall goal is the enhancement of your life quality through the devolopment of your personality, going along with a more balanced and healthier life.
About me
My specialist branch is Clinical Psychology. After I finished my studies in Germany, in late 80’s I settled in Istanbul, Turkey for family reasons.
I worked in various branches in Istanbul. After working for some years as German language teacher at the Marmara university in Istanbul I established my own Psychological Counseling Center. I conducted psychological counseling and therapy with individuals, couples, families and groups, and also cooperated with local institutions.
Istanbul represents a settlement point of high cultural richness where eastern and western cultures tightly come together. My clients who came from quite different origins and geographies made great contributions to diversity and enrichment of my professional career.
This was followed by years of working as a managing director in our own family company. On this occasion I was closely in contact with essential issues of the business world, the ‘corporate governance, management and marketing’. Meanwhile, I was interacted with many people who wanted to give different directions to their professionel careers and I was witnessing closely the Business World and their challenges.
After I moved to Berlin I returned to my essential profession and started to offer Psychological Counseling and Life Coaching services.
For some time I'm also conducting Psychological Counseling and Coaching in the framework of
Jobcoaching with AVGS at the IfL - Institut für Lebenskompetenz.
This is a service and financed by the German Employment Agency for unemployed having difficulties to settle down on the labour market. My main point is to support people to stabilize themselves and their surroundings for establishing the basis of future working.
Counseling for Whom and my Methodical Framework
My services are for individuals as well as for couples and families.
Groups – psychological talk groups for women, intercultural coaching groups v.s. and teamcoaching in a coorporate business environment.
These groups and workshops are offered under the frame of certain themes, for example the relaxation group – PMR (Progressive Muscle Relaxation) which I recommend you warmly.
The methods I’m mainly using are Client-Centered-Therapy (Carl Rogers), Cognitive- Behavior Therapy techniques and techniques of the Systemic Coaching and Counseling approach.
Additionally I got educations and certificates now for Systemic Therapy and Counseling, Personal Coaching, Jobcoaching, Master Coach for Integration, Stress Management, PMR and Trainer Training .
My Offers and Contact
If you are interested in these services please contact me and an appointment for a preliminary interview will be arranged. After determining the topics and goals we can start our journey which will be determined by your requests regarding to your personal and professional life.
Recommended Coaching and counseling sessions include at least 6 sessions to receive effective and sustainable change results.
The prices start from 70 euro per session; at the same time you can benefit from package programs and more convenient and comprehensive applications.
Face-to-Face sessions are usually held at Yorck Share – Zentrum für Lebenskompetenz. Furthermore there are also possibilities of video conferencing and online interview services. For specific situations sessions can be held Inhouse.
Informations about other activities regarding to courses and workshops can be found in my website or you can contact me.
If you are interested please send an e-mail to or contact me via the ‘Kontakt’ form.
Photo with backwards sitting woman by cottonbro, photo with calendar by Bich Tran, from